Laws of Magic (The Dresden Files)

The Laws of Magic are a set of rules governing wizards in the fictional world of wizard Harry Dresden. Developed and enforced by the White Council, a group of ruling wizards of the world, the Laws of Magic are primarily intended to guard against the misuse of magic by wizards against humans.

Wizards deemed to have violated any of the Seven Laws are termed warlocks. There is little differentiation between the usage of wizard or warlock other than warlocks have violated one (or more) of the Laws of Magic and wizards have not. All of the Laws carry a death penalty, to be carried out by a Warden of the White Council. Wardens are the police force formed by the White Council to patrol and protect the wizard world. In some instances a form of probation, the Doom of Damocles is rendered instead. Under the Doom, a wizard is openly under the suspicion and scrutiny of the White Council and any further infractions will automatically warrant execution. Furthermore, the White Council has one of its members, not to be known openly, appointed to the position of Blackstaff. The Blackstaff has the distinction of being able to break the Laws on a discretionary basis in order to prevent the Laws from becoming a liability against the White Council.

The Laws are:

As a corollary to this last law, Harry's brother Thomas is involved with an organization whose entire purpose is to bury the knowledge forever of a great many powerful entities from ancient times. The purpose of the Venatori and this law are remarkably similar.